Today’s semi trailer looks a lot different from the semi-trailer of about 30 years ago. Trailers have become much more sophisticated. More attention is paid to road safety, job stability, driver and load safety, and so forth. It's not just an extension of your truck to transport your goods. It is a full-fledged vehicle with its own license plate. Because current semi trailer and trailers, have a lot of technical gadgets, regular maintenance of your trailer is vital. That requires more training and expertise from our mecanics. Thanks to their experience, we can guarantee that.
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More InfoTrailer service specialists but quintessential all-rounders: Kennedy T.T.S. based in the port city of Ghent. Like a spider on its web’: That’s how Technical Manager Paul Zwitser characterises the advantages of being at the heart of the action. Ghent is the thirdlargest harbour in Belgium. So there’s certainly no shortage of goods traffic there. Kennedy […]
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