
(+32) 9 250 99 88

Opening Hours

Mo - Th: 8:30 am until 4:00 pm
Fr: 8:30 am until 3:00 pm

This cookie statement was last updated on February 18, 2020.


Please contact with questions and / or comments regarding this cookie statement via:

Kennedy Industrial zone
Edda Street 1
B-9042 GHENT, Belgium
Port No: 3120 A
VAT: BE0462 929 530

Telephone number: +32 9 250 99 88

If you have given permission to use non-functional cookies, you can change this setting at any time. You can do this via the website, click on the gear icon and select “MANAGE COOKIES”

Introduction uses cookies from third parties whose services may be used on the website (third party cookies).
In the overview below we are happy to inform you about the use of these cookies.
We emphasize that certain media is not available if you do not accept the relevant cookies

What are cookies?

A cookie is a simple, small file with personal data that is sent along with the pages of and is stored by your browser on the hard disk of your computer or other device. The information collected therein can be sent back to our servers or those of the third party in question on a subsequent visit.

Cookies also include so-called “scripts”. A script is a programming code that is used to make our website function optimally and interactively.

Finally, “web beacons”, “pixel tags” or “social media cookies” also fall under the term “cookies”. These are used for the integration of various social networking sites. Embedded elements from third parties or in other words content stored at a third party can also be displayed on our website. In addition, the content of can be shared via social networking sites through the buttons present on the various pages. Examples of such social networking sites are Facebook, Google+, Whatsapp, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Disqus and Twitter.

Since cookies are personal data, their processing is governed by our privacy statement. The processing of functional cookies is based on our legitimate interest, since the functional cookies are required for the proper functioning and security of

Types of cookies

1. Origin:

First-party cookies are cookies that are placed directly on the website by

Third party cookies are cookies placed on the website by third parties, in particular because incorporates elements from other websites.

2. Life time:

Permanent cookies: remain on your device for the life of the cookie. They are activated every time you visit our website.

Session cookies: simplify and link the user’s actions to each other during the browsing session. Each time you open the browser screen, these cookies are placed temporarily. Session cookies are deleted as soon as the browser is closed.

3. Function / purpose:

Functional cookies: ensure that all parts of the website function optimally. These are cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning and security of the website, such as cookies for load balancing (ie the distribution of requests to a web server over a number of computers), and for the adjustment of the user interface (in particular the choice of language and the display of search results). These cookies can be placed without permission.

Non-functional cookies: are set for statistical, social and commercial purposes and are independent of the technical support of Kennedytts and do not meet the conditions to be exempted from the consent obligation. Your explicit consent is required for the placement of these cookies.

(non-functional) technical cookies ensure that your user preferences remain known. is therefore easily accessible and you do not always have to enter the same information for multiple visits to the site.

Analytical cookies show how you use this website. Based on this collected information, a statistical analysis is made to make the structure, navigation and content of the website more user-friendly and to improve it.

The online advertising offer is personalized via marketing cookies. Both and third parties gain insight into the campaign performance based on a profile based on your click and surf amount on the site.

This also includes social media cookies. These cookies offer the possibility to include buttons from social networking sites. The buttons work via a code from these sites. A handy tool to promote web pages such as “like” and “pins”.
If social networking sites place these cookies via to collect (your) data, has no influence on the use of and the way in which they handle this data. You can find more information about this in the privacy statements of the social networking sites, which are each time specified in the list of active cookies below. Please note that these privacy statements can be changed at any time by the social networking sites.

Cookies used by

Cookies Type Duration Description
pll_language HTTP 12 months This cookie is used to determine the preferred language of the user and will therefore be used as needed.


It is only allowed to store cookies on your device without your permission if the visit to is impossible without using the cookie or if the cookie is necessary for the service provided by If these conditions are not met, we will only place the relevant cookies after we have obtained your permission.

You grant this permission when you first visit, by clicking on “Accept”. You also have the option to set your preferences by clicking on “manage cookies”, where you can choose to use only certain cookies.

You can always withdraw this permission by clicking on the “Set preferences” button at the bottom of each web page or by clicking on the gear.

Switch on and off

Via your internet browser you can delete cookies automatically or manually and you can indicate whether certain cookies may be placed or not. You can also set your internet browser so that you receive a message when a cookie is placed. More information about these options can be found in the instructions of the Help function of your browser.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari web en iOS

Pay attention! If cookies are disabled, there is a possibility that the website of does not work optimally. After removal in your browser, cookies will be placed again after your permission on a subsequent visit to

contact us

Kennedy Industriezone
Eddastraat 1
B-9042 GENT, Belgium
Havennr: 3120 A

Tel: (+32) 9 250 99 88
Fax: (+32) 9 250 99 89

Photo gallery

© 2010 Kennedy T.T.S. nv | Eddastraat 1 B-9042 Gent | tel +32 (0)9 250 99 88